An office and commercial building located on Maskit St. in Herzliya Pituach, with an above-ground area of 19,000 sq m leased almost entirely to Cognyte Software LP under a long-term agreement, and a 26,000 sq m underground area designated for light industry, parking spaces and storage. The building is situated on an 8,100 sq m plot.
Location: Maskit St., Herzliya Pituach Industrial Zone
Plot size: 8,100 sq m
Above-ground construction area of offices and commercial space: 19,000 sq m
Underground storage and parking levels: 26,000 sq m (gross)
Business rentals:
Except for the commercial ground floor, the entire project is leased to Cognyte Software LP, a member of the Comverse Group (a public company listed on Nasdaq).
The ground floor is leased to the Sebastian Restaurant and the Electra Consumer Products showroom.
Holdings: The company’s share in the project is 29.25%.